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County Commission Minutes 01/10/01

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in the Courtroom of the County Courtroom, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Leslie H. Leland, Chairman
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                E. B. Collins
                                       Daniel Flynn
                                Robert Sawyer
                                Roger Wey       
                                John Alley
Also Present: Carol Borer, County Manager               
                 Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                 Dianne Powers, Register of Deeds
                 Joseph Sollitto, Jr., Clerk of the Courts
                 Sandra Lothrop, Associate Commissioner                                          Sheriff McCormack
                 Noreen Flanders, Treasurer
                 Stephen Berlucchi, County Engineer
                 David Kann, Wastewater Treatment Facility Director
                 Chuck Clifford, Martha’s Vineyard Commission
                 John Early, Martha’s Vineyard Commission
                 Earl Littlefield, Emergency Management
                 Bill Searle, Search and Rescue
                 Karen Ogden, Search and Rescue Canine Team Leader
                 Marcia Cini, County Counsel
                 Katherine Wiley, Vineyard Gazette
                 20 guests and members of Emergency Management and  
                        Search and Rescue Teams
Chairman Leland called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Clerk of the Courts, Joseph Sollitto, Jr., swore in County Commissioners: Roger Wey, John Alley, and Leonard Jason, Jr.  The Register of Deeds, Dianne Powers, was also sworn in. Commissioner Sawyer presented a citation to Karen Ogden, for outstanding achievement and service, noting that standards she set for her Search and Rescue canine unit are not only recognized on the State level, but may soon be recognized and adopted nationally. Chairman Leland read the award and thanked Ms. Ogden for developing the Canine Search Team.  Both Bill Searle and Earl Littlefield praised Ms. Ogden for her commitment and outstanding service.

Commissioner Sawyer introduced the County’s citations to Leonard
Jason, Jr.  and John Early for the years of service on the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.  (Mr. Jason served for 22 years, Mr. Early, 20 years.)  Commissioner Sawyer said the two set the standard for public service on Martha’s Vineyard.  Chuck Clifford added that Mr. Jason and Mr. Early, dedicated professionals and personal friends, had worked on at least 400 developments of regional impact. Mrs. Borer noted that Mr. Jason and Mr. Early made a good team, and thanked them for their vision and for raising the consciousness of the island on issues like affordable housing.  She also mentioned that they deserve credit for the Island Master Plan.  Chairman Leland presented the plaques.  

Break: 8:05 PM
Meeting resumed 8:15 PM, with the election of the County Commissioners’ Chairman and Vice-chairman.  Commissioner Sawyer nominated Commissioner Leland, the present Chairman.  Commissioner Alley Seconded the nomination.  Commissioner Collins Moved that the nominations be closed.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.  Written ballots were cast.  All seven Commissioners voted for Commissioner Leland.  Commissioner Leland was elected Chairman of the County Commissioners.

Commissioner Jason nominated Commissioner Flynn for Vice-chairman.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.  Commissioner Jason Moved that nominations be closed.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.  Written votes were cast.  All seven Commissioners voted for Commissioner Flynn.  Commissioner Flynn was elected Vice-chairman of the County Commissioners.

Chairman Leland thanked the Commissioners for their vote of confidence and for the opportunity to continue as Chair.  

The Minutes of November 8, 2000 were reviewed.  Commissioner Collins Moved that the Minutes be Accepted as written.  Commissioner Jason Seconded the Motion.  The Minutes were Accepted with Commissioners Wey, Alley, and Flynn, abstaining.  Commissioner Flynn Moved that the Minutes of December 13, 2000 be Accepted.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.  The Minutes were Accepted as written, with Commissioners Wey, Collins, and Alley, abstaining.

The County Manager welcomed Commissioners Wey and Alley.  Mrs. Borer reported that the Annual Reports are due out the end of January.  She also reported that three bids were received for building the addition to the County Administration Building: Cape Cod Builders ($139,840), Atlantic Homes ($141,719), and Peak Construction ($250,000.)  The project is due to be completed by June 30, 2001.

Mrs. Borer continued by reporting that her Assistant is researching the best method of rat control, since the County has been asked to reinstate a Rodent Control program.  Commissioner Wey asked that the skunk problem be included in the research.

Mrs. Borer reported that the Ice Arena approved the inclusion, on their property, of the Skateboard Park that the Island Youth Council has been promoting.  An intermunicipal agreement, overseen by the County, will probably be approach taken to fund the Park.

The County Manager added that Mr. Parker could not attend this meeting.  His presence will be requested at a future meeting.

Commissioner Sawyer reported on the County Task Force for a Regional School System.  He is working on adding a non-binding question to town ballots on the question of a Regional School System.  There is a critical time period for getting the question on the ballots.

Membership size of the Airport Commission was discussed.  Commissioner Wey asked about the present size.  Commissioner Flynn replied that even though there are theoretically nine members at present, the Airport Commission is really working with seven.  Commissioner Collins asked if the County Commissioners can change the number.  Mrs. Borer answered yes, with a letter to the Airport Commission. Commissioner Flynn Moved to reduce the size of the Airport Commission to seven members.  Commissioner Jason Seconded the Motion.  Commissioner Collins stated that he had a problem with reducing the size because of problems with attendance.  If people are serving on the Commission, they should attend meetings!  Discussion continued.  Commissioner Alley recalled that Legislation in the 1980s allowed County Commissioners to be Airport Commissioners.  He added that the quorum size remained an issue with nine members and so he preferred seven.  The Chairman called for the Vote that was Unanimous in favor of reducing the size of the Airport Commission from nine members to seven members.  

Commissioner Jason Moved to adjourn.  Commissioner Alley Seconded the Motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.
